
core city (大都市的)中心城市。

core memory

In recent years , overseas funds and the consortium have paid close attention to china “ s commercial real estate market , entered the domestic commercial real estate industry through integration , mergers , acquisitions in shanghai , shenzhen , guangzhou , tianjin , nanjing , and other national core cities , in order to get huge return 近幾年,海外的基金、財團密切關注中國商業地產市場,在上海、深圳、廣州、天津、南京等國內中心城市,通過整合、兼并、收購,進入國內商業地產領域,以獲取巨大的投資回報。

In order to maintain the normal operation and develop of the city centre district , we need upgrading and transforming to the city centre district urgently in the city of our country , most city centre districts are the single core centre structure , so study upgrade mode of the single core city centre district has very general meanings 作為城市的核心,城市中心區問題尤為嚴重,為維持城市中心區的正常運轉和發展,我們亟需對城市中心區進行更新改造。我國城市中,絕大部分城市中心區都是單核心結構,所以研究單核心城市中心區更新模式,具有很普遍的意義。

The major location of our outdoor media include the core cities of yangtze river delta region ? for instance , the roadside of the expressway and airport , business circle in shanghai , nanjing , hangzhou , ningbo , suzhou , wuxi , etc . besides , our excellent media also covers the three expressways in three core cities in yangtze river region ? shanghai - ningbo expressway , shanghai - hangzhou expressway and shanghai - jiading - liuyang expressway 我們媒體主要分布的區域包括長三角核心城市? ?比如:上海、南京、杭州、寧波、蘇州、無錫等的高架沿線、機場沿線、熱點商圈,以及從上海輻射長三角核心城市的三條高速? ?滬寧、滬杭、滬嘉瀏高速的優質媒體。

Urban agglomeration can be defined as relatively integrated urban group in a certain area under certain geographical environment and conditions , it takes one or two super cities or big cities as the core city of the region , and the internal relations and affinities are developed among cities of different qualities , types and grades based on comprehensive transportation networks 城市群是在特定的地域范圍內由相當數量的不同性質、類型和等級規模的城市,依托一定的自然環境條件,以一個或兩個特大城市或大城市作為地區經濟的核心,借助于綜合運輸網的通達性,以城市個體之間的聯系為紐帶,而共同構成的一個相對完整的城市集合體。

Taking the status in quo of chongqing ' s urbanization into account , i demonstrate that the optimum choice of path to urbanization of chongqing is to develop the large city or core city , and subsequently i give some related advises and policies 本文最后以重慶為例探討了城市化道路選擇問題。結合重慶城市化現狀,本文通過實證認為發展大城市和中心城市是重慶城市化道路的最優選擇,并提出了有關政策建議。

The capital , the technology , the social resources flow to the large - scale commercial real estate , the retail trade , the general merchandise industry , and expands unceasingly from the core cities such as the guangzhou , shenzhen to the peripheral centers and small cities 資本、技術、社會資源向大型商業地產、零售業、百貨業流動,并不斷由廣州、深圳等中心城市向周邊二級、三級城市快速擴張。

Xiaolangdi key hydraulic project management zone is located in the region of core city group of central plains of china for study in the plan by applying the point of regional economic development and the methodology and theory of city planning 總體規劃運用區域經濟發展的觀點,采用城市規劃的方法和理論,將小浪底水利樞紐工程管理區放在中原核心城市群這一區域中進行研究。

Under the guidance of the basic principles upgraded in the city centre district and combining the theory and practice of the domestic and international city centre district , we summarize out the main type upgraded in single core city centre district 在城市中心區更新的基本原則指導下,結合國內外城市中心區的理論和實踐,總結出單核心城市中心區更新的主要類型。

Because of the less - developed economy and weak linkage with the core city , the traffic structure in the cities and countries around the metropolitan areas is still single , especially hard to reach the hinterland 大都市區周邊縣市由于經濟的因素,與核心城市的聯結仍然不夠緊密,交通組成結構仍然單一,尤其縣市腹地可達性仍然不夠好。

To optimise green opportunities in the core city areas , the government has started a greening programme at prominent locations in sheung wan , central , wan chai , causeway bay , hung hom , mong kok and kwun tong 為了把握機會綠化市中心,政府正為上環、中環、灣仔、銅鑼灣、紅? 、旺角及觀塘區內一些顯著的地點推行綠化計劃。

As the main aspect of the contradiction , the traffic problems of the core city of metropolitan areas have became the common difficult - to - solve problem in many metropolises all over the world 作為矛盾的主要方面,大都市區核心城市的交通問題已成為世界各國大城市經濟發展中面臨的一個共同難題。

Jinan is a single core city with highly concentrated economy , with powerful core region economy , and relatively weaker hinterland economy . it is an obvious dualistic structure 濟南市是經濟高度集中的單核心城市,核心區經濟實力強大,而腹地則相對實力較差,城鄉二元結構明顯。

According to the research , city size , urban infrastructure , urban comprehension competitiveness of qingdao are low , which decides it is only the core city of shandong province 指出了目前由于城市規模小、經濟總量小、基礎設施不完善等局限,青島市只能聲為山東省內的核心城市。

From the combination and diffusion effect among 13 cities ( counties ) , the spatial structure extends and stretches in four directions around the core city of changsha 從各市、縣之間的聯系和擴散效應分析,以長沙市區為核心的城市群空間結構形成朝4個不同方向擴散延伸的態勢。

But qingdao has predominance at tourism , seaport , export - oriented economy in china , this decides it will become the core city of larger region 但是青島市在外向型經濟、港口經濟、海洋經濟、旅游經濟等方面具有的優勢,使青島市具有成長為更大地域范圍核心城市的潛在競爭力。

Core cities are delegated with all duties that can be carried out by designated cities , with the exception of services which can be more effectively undertaken by the prefectures 除了和都道府縣共同處理才能有效實施的事務外,中核市可以代表指定都市執行自身所有職責。

Guangzhou should be the core city and shenzhen and zhuhai as sub - core cities in the eastern and western side of the prd 廣州應成為核心城市,而深圳和珠海則分別成為珠江三角洲東面和西面的副核心城市。

The characteristics of crowding and being polluted are the two aspects of the traffic problems of the core city in metropolitan areas 大都市區核心城市的交通問題體現在兩個方面:一是擁擠,二是污染。

A new high tide of building a core city of modernization region with bringing forth new ideas and fully increasing the speed 創新思路全面提速掀起建設現代化區域中心城市新高潮